T F Editores
(共 7 筆)
There’s a FuTure: Visions For a BeTTer World
- 出版日期:2013-04-16
- 作者:Al-rodhan,Amitai,Clara/ Broecker,Daniel/ Barrabes,Nayef/ Altman,Wallace/ Etzioni
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 945 -
En los conFines de un mismo/WiThin The ConFines oF One Same Sea
- 出版日期:2012-12-16
- 作者:Javier Pinar/ Kuratorleri,Samo,Sergi
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 1,400 -
AnToni Tapies: From ObjecT To SculpTure (1964-2009)
- 出版日期:2014-01-30
- 作者:Alvaro Rodriguez (EDT),Fominaya
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 1,820 -
All The World’s a STage: Works From The GoeTz CollecTion
- 出版日期:2015-08-20
- 作者:Bitz,Cornelia/ Goetz,Ingvild/ Lencsés,Karsten,Katharina/ Gockel,Leo/ Löckemann
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 1,890 -
Dizi: PainTings
- 出版日期:2015-08-28
- 作者:Asha,Nath
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 1,960 -
The Gardens on The Alhambra Hill: A MediTaTed Vision
- 出版日期:2015-08-31
- 作者:Fernando,Manso
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 2,135 -
Pencil in Hand: 20Th CenTury Drawings / Colecciones Fundacion MapFre
- 出版日期:2014-06-30
- 作者:Burillo,Pablo Jimenez
- 出版社:T F Editores
$ 2,240